When you’re just starting out, you’re typically focused on your career, paying off student loans, figuring out where you want to live, and having a family. Can you have it all?
Working with us allows Millennials to use a combination of technology, plus real-life financial advice from a firm that’s been advising people successfully for decades. You can log in any time from any of your devices to check your account, send us a quick email, or set up an in-person meeting. We put your best financial interests ahead of any other consideration
Our focus will be on getting you ahead in life, whether you want to buy a new car, get married, have kids, buy a house, save money for your kids’ college tuition, travel the world or retire early. Having a plan in place and reviewing it regularly will be key to your financial planning success. Every person has unique goals, and we will start there. Through the years, your objectives will change, and we’ll work with you every step of the way.

Don’t wait. When you are young, every year that passes without attention to your finances or working toward your financial or retirement plan can cost you more than you know. Let’s sit down and take a look at your individual goals, your aspirations and your situation and make some plans that will take you into your future. We’ve been doing this a long time, and we are here for you. And know this—you are the most important part of the equation when it comes to taking control of your finances and implementing a plan.
Chip Wittrock, Financial Advisor
Renee Wittrock, Business Development Manager
Wittrock Financial
1719 Hill Avenue
Spirit Lake, Iowa 51360